The Long Goodbye...
I don't know why I waited for 14 years after the love was gone. But, I did. Was it fear that made me stay? Was is hope? I was afraid to leave. I still am. I kept hoping he would change back into the man I thought I married. Now, I realize THIS is the man I married. The other guy was just an image he used to get me. Ugh. I'm seeing a therapist who stated at my first appointment, over a year ago that she would help me get my power back. I didn't know what she meant at the time. Power. I have power? Power to do what? Leave. I'm raising two granddaughters. I need to show them what a strong woman would do. A strong woman leaves. God, give me strength. |
Withholding Emotional Support. The Day My Love For Him Vanished...
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002, after just one year of marriage. I thought he was the man of my dreams, until I needed him to be a man. I remember laying on my couch, bald, sick from chemo... Begging him for emotional support. His words "I can't support you, we don't know that I don't have cancer, too" cut me like a knife. My love for him was gone. Just like that. To this day, he blames me. "You wouldn't let me support you". Wrong. I begged him to support me. Why did I stay? Fear. |